Dr Peter Slater - Psychotherapist

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Dr Peter Slater - Psychotherapist
D. Psych; MA; BA (Hons.)
"Dr Slater filled us with confidence that he understood our concerns and he gave realistic options about our next steps. A kInd, thoughtful and non-judgemental approach."
Dr Peter Slater is an adult psychoanalytic/ integrative psychotherapist who is an accredited member of the BACP and who works with individuals and couples who present with a wide range of presentations including depression, anxiety, personality disorders, eating disorders, relationship and attachment issues. He has worked in private practice for 18 years.
He is also a highly specialist child and adolescent psychoanalytic psychotherapist who has worked for 15 years in NHS settings and works with parents and infants, young children, adolescents, parents and families. He was trained and obtained his professional doctorate in child psychotherapy at the Tavistock Clinic in London where he has also worked as a visiting lecturer. He has also held a visiting lecturer post at the Anna Freud Centre.
Peter works psychoanalytically with children and young people who present with the following issues:
Depression, Loss, Bereavement
Separation anxiety
General anxiety, aggression or other behavioural disorders
Emerging Personality Disorders
Learning difficulties
Feeding issues, eating disorders/self-harming behaviours, suicidal ideation
Developmental disorders (Autism, Aspergers, ADHD)
Children, young people suffering from early experiences of abuse, neglect or deprivation
Children and young people who are fostered or adopted
Peter is trained to offer open ended psychotherapy or short tern or brief interventions. He is fully trained in Mentalization Based Treatments (MBT) with adolescents and families and has extensive experience of working with parents, couples. Mentalization based treatment is an evidenced based treatment for young people with emerging personality disorders and adults with borderline personality disorder.
Peter offers a full psychotherapy assessment which will include formulation and treatment plans.
Peter has run parent workshops on managing teenagers who are depressed and who self- harm as well as offering consultations in schools with parents and staff groups on the emotional factors in teaching and learning. He offers specialist clinical supervision and academic supervision at Masters and PHD level.
More recently he has worked as a Senior Lecturer at Auckland University where he designed and delivered New Zealand’s only child and adolescent psychotherapy training programme. He has published a number of articles in peer reviewed journals including the role and function of violence in boys (Journal of child psychotherapy August 2014 , vol 40 (2) pp150-173) and the role of peer counselling projects in schools in alleviating anxiety around transitions (Counselling and Psychotherapy Research July 2004, vol 4 (1)pp 72-79 )Group work with adolescents Ata: Journal of Psychotherapy of New Zealand, Aotearoa, Meltzer’s theory of dimensionality:Intensive psychoanalytic psychotherapy with an adopted 6 year old girl.
By Dr Peter Slater: Open access peer-reviewed chapter: Anxiety: The Dizziness of Freedom—The Developmental Factors of Anxiety as Seen through the Lens of Psychoanalytic Thinking. June 24th 2019 DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.86765
Peter works with health insurers, please enquire for more information.
Child and Adolescent Therapy with Dr Peter Slater - Psychotherapist
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