Harley Therapy

Need concrete tools to move forward in life, such as life coaching can offer? But also want to work with someone with a profound understanding of human nature and mental health? A life coaching psychologist can be the answer. 

How to book your appointment

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All practitioners are qualified and accredited with reputable professional associations.

Reviewed by Dr. Sheri Jacobson Dr Sheri Jacobson

Coaching vs Therapy

The line between coaching and counselling is increasingly blurred as both approaches evolve. But in general, coaching looks at your current life and your hopes for the future. Its main aim is to help you move forward and reach your goals.

Counselling's main aim is to help you understand yourself and your behaviours. Sometimes this can involve looking to your past for answers. 

What is psychological coaching? 

Psychological coaching is the best of both worlds, offering coaching with highly trained psychologists and psychotherapists. 

A coaching psychologist, or ‘life coach’, can help you clarify the life you really want, recognise the inner resources you have to create that life, and align your thinking so you can make the decisions that bring that life into being. 

But they can also help you resolve issues from your past affecting your present, and diagnose and help you cope with any mental health issues like anxiety and depression. 

Life coaching at Harley Therapy™ London

All of our coaching psychologists are trained at top institutions, and have a minimum of ten years experience working with clients just like you. They are also integrative therapists, meaning they are trained in several approaches they can combine to suit your unique issues. Call now to reserve a first session or use our online booking form. 

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Benefits of life coaching and self-development counselling

  • understand yourself and your life choices

  • recognise your values and what truly motivates you 
  • raise your confidence and self-esteem
  • improve your focus and productivity 
  • set achievable and meaningful goals
  • troubleshoot negative thinking and behaviours
  • learn coping skills for anxiety and depression
  • improve your relationships, career, finances, health, and family life
  • create more work/life balance.  

What kinds of therapy does a coaching psychologist offer?

Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) is often used by psychological life coaches. Like coaching, CBT tends to focus on the here and now. It works to challenge your negative thinking so that it does not lead to sabotaging behaviours that block you from achieving your goals.

What is a session like?

Sessions are usually weekly, and last for 50 minutes. Both coaching and therapy are based on your practitioner listening closely to you and asking good questions that help you find your own answers. If CBT is being used it can include working through written exercises together, and also having homework between sessions. 

What issues can a life coach help me with?

 Issues that can benefit from working with a therapist and life coach include:

  • confidence and communication issues
  • career change or performance
  • improving your mindset
  • health and fitness goals
  • feeling stuck in life 
  • lacking motivation and focus 
  • lifestyle changes 
  • relating skills
  • stress management 
  • work/life balance. 

Issues for psychological coaching

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To make an enquiry, please fill in this confidential form. Our dedicated medical administrators will review your needs and get back to you as soon as possible.

Issues for Counselling